2025 Annual Afterschool Conference
SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, November 8, 2025
Registration is closed for this event. Event details will be posted as information becomes available.
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS – subject to change
- 8:00 – 8:45 AM Registration & Breakfast
- 9:00 – 9:45 AM Conference Opener
- 10:00 – 11:30 AM Session 1
- 11:30 – 12:15 PM Lunch
- 12:30 – 2:00 PM Session 2
- 2:15 – 3:45 PM Session 3
REGISTRATION FEE – $100/person
Registration to the Annual Conference includes a National AfterSchool Association (NAA) Membership – If you’re not a current paid NAA member and live in CT, our state affiliation and conference registration make you eligible for a free NAA membership (typically $25-150 when purchased directly through NAA). By checking, yes on the registration form, you’re granting permission for us to share your information with NAA so they can create a membership for you.
REGISTRATION deadline is Friday, October 31st.
RFP submission deadline:
EXHIBITOR will have one 10-foot table (electricity available upon request). Additional tables are available for a fee. Exhibitors will be showcased on our social media prior to the conference and in our conference program. Electricity is not available at all tables and there is an additional fee for electricity. Meals are not included in the exhibitor fee. You are welcome to bring your own breakfast and lunch or purchase our meals.
- $50 – Non-Profit
- $150 – For Profit
- $50 each additional table

Click here for the 2025 Exhibitor/Sponsor Application. Submission deadline is TBA
- Registration deadline is Friday, October 31st.
- We accept check/money order, and credit card via the online registration process.
- Payment by Check – Make check payable to Connecticut Network for Children and Youth and send payment to Connecticut Network for Children and Youth, PO Box 1409, Hartford, CT 06143.
- Due to inclement weather (snow, ice, flooding, etc.) or other emergencies, events may be delayed or canceled. Participants are responsible to check the CT After School Network website or Facebook Page for delay or cancellation notices.
- Refunds will be granted to registrants who cancel their registration by email at mberrios@ctncy.org no later than Friday, October 31st.
- Refunds will not be provided to registrants who neither cancel nor attend the event. Confirmed registrants who are unable to attend the event may send a substitute in their place at no additional cost. Substitution information must be received by the Connecticut Network for Children and Youth no less than two business days before start of the event.
- For any general conference questions, contact Monica Whalen, Conference Coordinator, via email at mwhalen@ctncy.org.
- For any conference registration questions, contact Marla Berrios, via phone at (203) 483-1846 or via email at mberrios@ctncy.org.
Submission of your conference registration authorizes the Connecticut Network for Children and Youth to publish in any format and use for promotional and educational purposes your name and any photos, videos, and audio recordings taken of you at the conference. It also authorizes the Connecticut Network for Children and Youth to contact you by mail, phone or email. Please note the following Media Release.
Consent to Photograph, Film or Videotape Participants for Non-Profit use (e.g. educational, public service, or health awareness purposes)
As a conference participant, I acknowledge and grant permission to the Connecticut Network for Children and Youth to use my image (photographs and/or video) for use in Connecticut Network for Children and Youth publications including videos, email blasts, recruiting brochures, newsletters, and magazines and to use my image in electronic versions of the same publications or on the Connecticut Network for Children and Youth website or other electronic forms of media.
I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished photographs or electronic matter that may be used in conjunction with them now or in the future, whether that use is known to me or unknown, and I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the image.