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Grant Readers Needed!!!

FlowersOne-day Volunteer Opportunity,
with a Hawaiian theme!

The Connecticut State Department of Education is currently looking for a few good grant readers to help them evaluate grant proposals for after school programs. This is an unpaid, one or two-day (your choice!) volunteer commitment on either (or both):

Friday, September 8, 2017  and/or  Thursday, September 21, 2017

Both grant readings will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Connecticut Nonprofit Center at 75 Charter Oak Avenue, Hartford, CT. During the event you will read three proposals (maximum of 40 pages each) and score them on a matrix (training will be provided). Then, in groups of three readers, the scores and comments will be discussed and a final score sheet for each grant will be prepared.

The theme for the day will be TROPICAL, and prizes will be awarded for the best Hawaiian shirt (sorry, no tiki bar though!) Casual dress is encouraged.

To be eligible, you cannot work for an organization that is applying for the state-funded after school grants as either a primary grantee or a partner. This is a great opportunity to strengthen your own grant writing skills while also providing an important community service.

If you are interested in being considered as a possible grant reader, please tell us which day (or both) you want to join us, along with a short description of your relevant experience and contact information and any possible cities or organizations where you may have a conflict of interest, to Michelle Doucette Cunningham at as soon as possible, no later than noon September 7th for the first day or September 20th for the second day.  If you have served as a reader for these proposals in previous years, just email us your contact and conflict of interest information. Full directions and parking information will be sent with confirmation of your attendance. If you have any questions, feel free to email Michelle.
