We continue to contribute to our Feel Good Friday blog! Here is what the staff at the Network is feeling good about this week!
We look forward to sharing our small blurbs and hope you do too. Comment or share what you think…would you like to be included? Send your feel-good moment to Marla at mberrios@ctafterschoolnetwork.org and be featured next week!
Monica: I have always wanted to own a farm. I have worked on horse farms and at nature centers, vacationed on dairy farms, and try to pretend I have a very tiny bunny farm in my backyard. But let’s face it 2 rabbits do not make a farm and my neighbors live about 10 feet away. So, I cannot look away from farm photos and videos and this is one of my new favorites. And the couple is originally from Hartford. So maybe someday…
Marla: I almost always like to turn a sour moment to a positive, it’s just how I like to view the world. My March vacation plans did not pan out the way I wanted them to, I sacrificed my vacation altogether and made a big purchase. I decided to work on myself a bit more and since I do not like going to the gym much and walking outside is a big no-no for me during the winter, I bought a treadmill! I cleared out a spot in my laundry/basement area and now have a home gym 🙂 I set a daily schedule and set a pace for me to easily follow. I will get more aggressive as I go but for now this works for me. BTW this was today’s affirmation how fitting… “I prioritize my mental and physical well-being”

Barbara: This week was particularly filled with joy and so much gratitude for my family! On February 24th, in the wee morning hours, little Vivian Grace was born to my son Kyle and his fiancé Alissa. Baby, mother, father are all doing well AND I am beside myself with pride and joy for my son, and such a deep love for my new granddaughter! I just can’t wait to see all the places she will go!
Shawna: This week I’d like to show my appreciation for my adorably shaggy dog, Balta. She’s my running/walking buddy, my bathroom buddy (because they love to follow you in there, haha), my workout buddy (although most of the time she distracts from the working out part), and my snuggle buddy. Her existence helps me take better care of myself and I’m so grateful for that.

Aridyan: I bought myself a new pair of running sneakers! After having my initial pair for a year, they started to completely fall apart. The new ones feel great and I’m excited to have them!

Michelle: So last Sunday I did something entirely new and different that made me extremely happy — I married two people! No, really, I’m a Justice of the Peace and I was the officiant who performed the wedding ceremony for a local couple. Best Wishes to Charles and Monica! I think I’ve found my retirement hobby – I’m going to be a roving wedding officiant and just marry people every weekend.