Best Practice Guidelines & Self-Assessment Tools
Explore the Connecticut After School Program Quality Self-Assessment Tool (CT-QSAT), along with our suite of corresponding trainings and resources.
- Connecticut After School Quality Self-Assessment Tool
- Zooming In worksheet. Use with your staff to help them dive deeper into quality indicators. They’ll be able to better understand the CT-QSAT through exercises created to help them define the tools rating system.
- Working the Tool Series looks at specific elements of the Connecticut After School Quality Self-Assessment Tool. Each unpacks the specific indicators in the tool and provides direction and suggestions on how to implement these standards in your program.
- Working the Tool: Relationships – Interaction and Engagement
- Working the Tool: Family and Community Partnerships
- Working the Tool: Environment
- Working the Tool: Activities and Programming
- Working the Tool: Safety
- Working the Tool: Staffing & Profesional Development
- Working the Tool: Administration and Organization
- Working the Tool: Sustainability & Evaluation
Quality Advising, Consulting, and Coaching
The Connecticut After School Network is able to help you start or continue on the path to quality. Click here for more information.
Previous consulting projects have included:
- Citywide quality self-assessment training and observations
- Multiple session professional development contracts
- Licensing support for initial and renewal applications
- Co-created organizational handbooks for parents and staff
- Strategic and Board Planning
Need help starting or continuing on the path to quality? Getting ready for a licensing or accreditation visit? Opening a new site or expanding partnerships? Thinking about strategic planning and sustainability? Revamping your program model? We understand all of this can be overwhelming. We are here to help.
The staff and consultants at the Connecticut Network for Children and Youth are experts in every aspect of planning, implementing and evaluating after school and summer programs. Fees starting at $100 per hour. For information contact Shawna Viola.
Do your staff have difficulty translating regulations into practice? Are you feeling overwhelmed trying to get a new site or program off the ground due to confusing paperwork and processes? Are you a new director learning the ropes and don’t know much or want to know more about licensing regulations and requirements? Unsure of the records you need to keep for the staff and children you serve?
School-age children spend their summer and after school hours in a variety of settings, including after school programs run by schools and community based organizations, child care centers, family day care homes, and summer camps. The State of Connecticut considers most programs that serve children under the age of thirteen as child care centers or youth camps and requires them to be licensed accordingly.
The first place to go is the Office of Early Childhood
Still need help? We are here for you. Our licensing consultation service can help with sample language, walk you through the application process, conduct a mock walkthrough of your site, and more. For information on this service contact Shawna Viola.
Our Goal
To have at least one hundred programs sign the pledge before October, which would reach at least one thousand staff who provide services to 15,000 children across CT.
Each program that signs the pledge will be entered into a prize drawing for $1,000 as an incentive to sign on. Drawing to be held October 2025.

The Connecticut After School Network is asking out-of-school time programs throughout the state to sign the Drive to Quality Pledge, representing a commitment to delivering quality out-of-school time programming for Connecticut kids using the Connecticut Quality Standards for Out-of-School Time.
Demonstrate Your Commitment to Quality.
Join the many other Connecticut out-of-school time programs that have already signed the Drive to Quality Pledge!

By signing the “Drive to Quality” Pledge, you commit to continuously work to improve the quality of your program. You pledge to always aim to make your program a work in progress, striving to be greater each day. The “Drive to Quality” Pledge demonstrates your commitment to working to be better than you were the day before because the youth you serve deserve high quality and “quality” is not static. Quality looks different at every site; it changes over time and with every new group of kids.