The Connecticut After School Network advocates on behalf of increasing funding for after school and summer programs, as well as for the necessary infrastructure to support quality.

State Budget: The Connecticut General Assembly kicked off its 2025 session on Wednesday, January 8th, and will finish on June 4th. Governor Lamont has released his proposed budget (Click here to see the entire proposal).


Governor Lamont released his budget which combines multiple Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) programs into one single line item. One item in particular, the CSDE After School Grants which are currently funded at $5.8 million and provide services to 70 sites statewide, was included in the proposal therefore putting the line in jeopardy. 

The package includes combining six programs in one, these are called Student Support Grants and can be ni jeopardy. Read more here and how you can help.

Now more than ever before, members of Congress need to hear from you. The budget proposed by the White House would eliminate after school funding for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers, so it’s crucial that we have a diverse and broad set of voices telling Congress that afterschool programs are essential to student success. For all the latest on advocacy at the federal level, visit the Afterschool Alliance’s policy page.

It’s always a good idea to let your Congressional representatives know you support after school and summer programs, and you can reach them via Facebook and other social media platforms. Support by sharing our posts, or, for example, you could post this or something like it:

“For America to compete in the 21st century, @tagyourrephere we need to invest in the future: our children. #AfterschoolWorks  @afterschool4all”

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