Workshop Vault

Below you will find an array of past workshop titles and topics for viewing on your time.

Visit our YouTube channel for other available videos.

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Afterschool Marketing, April 11, 2013

Aligning the Learning Day, February 21, 2013

Cloud Learning AS Series: Bringing it all together: Planning ahead for 2021, January 7, 2021 

Cloud Learning AS Series: Creating the Classroom of Your Dreams: Content Creation and Classroom Design, December 16, 2020 

Cloud Learning AS Series: Virtualization of Programming: Platforms, Staffing Considerations, and Resources, December 10, 2020 

Defining, Measuring and Tracking Youth Outcomes, May 29, 2014 

ELO and School Reform, November 15, 2012

Embedding 21st Century Skills into Afterschool Programming Webinar, October 31, 2013

Exemplary Summer Learning: Local and National Strategies, March 14, 2013 

Helping Youth Thrive, June 19, 2014



Latest Strategies for Bringing Health & Wellness to OST, September 20, 2018


Partnering with Google to Enhance Your After School Program, February 3, 2015 

Promoting Lifelong Benefits for Youth Through Out-of-School Time!, May 29, 2024 

Rebuilding the Field Series: Planning for Summer 2021, April 16, 2021 

Rebuilding the Field Series: How Do I Advance in My Job?, February 12, 2021 

Rebuilding the Field Series: Local and National Perspectives on the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic in After School, December 11, 2020 

Social Media Outreach Strategies for OST Programs, May 8, 2015 

Strengthening Financial Management in Afterschool Partnerships, June 13, 2013 

The Promise of Adolescence:  Developmental Science & Afterschool, September 12, 2019 

Youth Voice in After School, September 12, 2018 

What Works: Lessons from 100,000 Lights On After School Celebrations, September 6, 2018