Our Feel Good Friday blog gives us am inside to learning more about the Network staff! Here is what is making us feel good lately!
We look forward to sharing our small blurbs and hope you do too. Comment or share what you think…would you like to be included? Send your feel-good moment to Marla at mberrios@ctafterschoolnetwork.org and be featured next week!
Barbara: During the pandemic and up to now, I’ve been craving a lot of nostalgic television shows. Classic sitcoms and light-hearted shows. My brain couldn’t get into mysteries because it needed a break at the end of the workday, and my heart just couldn’t handle dark, and deep shows– I needed funny, feel-good shows. For the last several months I’ve been rewatching The Gilmore Girls, which I had only watched when it was released every week back in the day. I forgot about all the kookie characters and how I absolutely loved them all! This week I finished watching it and I am so glad and grateful that it was ever made! If you haven’t ever seen it, I highly recommend it! It’s streaming on Netflix.

Aridyan: Elon is getting so big! We’ve had Elon for almost a month now. We will be taking Elon to the vet for the first time this weekend!