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Power of Us Workforce Survey

Start Your 2023 Journey with the Power of Us Workforce Survey—Contribute to the First of Its Kind National Survey about the Youth Fields Workforce! 

January marks both a new year and a new opportunity to take the Power of Us Workforce Survey! Staff and volunteers—including afterschool leaders, mentors, coaches, librarians, and more—have been showing up and having their voices heard through the first of its kind national survey about the youth fields workforce.

The Power of Us Workforce Survey is a first of its kind study that seeks to know and understand more about the experiences of staff and volunteers who support youth outside of the traditional school day. The data from the survey will help inform policy, practice, and further research to better support the workforce and ultimately improve job quality in the field. 

We want to make sure that the data reflects your story! If we know more, we can do more to support the youth fields workforce to thrive. Take the survey today and inform the effort to explore, define, and elevate the youth fields workforce and your essential work with youth!

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