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Great Give 2022

SAVE THE DATE – May 4 & 5 2022

About The Great Give

Celebrating its 13th year in 2022, The Great Give is returning on May 4-5. This 36-hr, online, community-wide giving event was created by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven to raise visibility and resources for nonprofits serving Greater New Haven. Last year, thanks to the generosity of thousands of donors, the efforts of participating organizations, and sponsorships, the event raised an impressive $3.35 million for a record number of 431 local nonprofits. Nonprofit registration for this year’s event opens on February 1.

Why Support The Connecticut After School Network?

As COVID-19 continues to be a major factor in our after school community and beyond, the impact is felt by many around the state. Thankfully nonprofits like ours, are here to help, but we need your support to meet the demand and to help people emerge from the pandemic stronger than ever. A great way to support the Network is through The Community Foundation’s Great Give. Your donation unlocks additional matching funds and prizes of more than $215,000.

With so much still happening such as staff shortages, school closings, inflation and more; we want to continue our support to after school field, school communities and parents.

Become a fundraising champion. Everyone loves a champion, including us! We really need fundraising champions to help drive people to our The Great Give profile on May 4-5. Contact us for more information on how to become a fundraising champion! You can also sign up here. Just click on the FUNDRAISE button.

We hope you join us on May 4 & 5! For more information click here.

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