2024 Fall Conference Workshops
Workshop Legend
- Active/Nutrition
- Behavior Management
- Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI
- Fine Arts (Music Drama, Dance)
- Program Basics
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Science, Technology. Engineering & Math (STEM)
- Supervision/Management
- Take It & Run (participants will leave with easy-to-use plans/activities)
- Early Elementary
- Older Elementary
- Middle School
- High School
1A. From Foundations to Leadership: A Leader’s Blueprint for Developing Talent from Counselor to Executive – This workshop will equip leaders with effective strategies for mentoring, coaching, and promoting staff within the organization. The presentation will cover techniques for nurturing talent, providing feedback, conducting evaluations, and managing challenging conversations to support staff development from entry-level positions to administrative roles.
Amanda Michaud, Farmington Extended Care & Learning, Supervision/Management, Site Leader Specific, All Ages
1B. Afterschool Explorations for People and the Planet – Tap into students’ growing environmental awareness with collaborative games, simulations and projects that harness STEM skills and civic engagement. Engage in interdisciplinary activities that examine natural resource use, climate change, population trends, habitat conservation and more. Learn ways to use these activities to ignite discussion and creative problem solving around real-world issues in the community and around the globe. The presented activities work with a variety of learning styles and build skills in communication and cooperation.
Lesleigh Drake, Nature’s Classroom, STEM, Older ES, MS
1C. Take it and Run! The importance of Play in a Phone-Based World – This workshop will explore the reality that children are growing up differently today…from a play-based to a phone-based world and the damage to their growth, health and development that is happening because of it. This transformation will be laid out and the necessary concrete steps and strategies for adults to help children of all ages mitigate the potential harms will be shared.
Jo Ann Freiberg, Ph.D. & Patricia A. Ciccone, C.A.G. S., L.P. C., School Climate Consultants, LLC, Arts, Behavior Management, SEL, Active/Nutrition, All Ages
1D. The Power Of Puppetry and Movement – Interested in strategies for children outside the box? Join Erin Shea for a fun interactive workshop on how to add bodily awareness and character building to any SEL inspired setting. The power of self-awareness in the body, as well as expressing themselves through a character, aids in expanding perspective and empathy for others.
Erin Shea, Poppi’s Planet, Arts, SEL, Early ES, Older ES
1E. After School 101 – This workshop is geared to after school staff who work directly with students. This workshop helps first-year employees learn about the broader aspects of after school programming. Topics will include — Day to Day Operations; Mandated Reporting; Room Management; Staff to Student Dynamics; Bag of Tricks — important for idle time!; and how to successfully end an activity.
Dr. Ken Anthony, CTNCY, Program Basics, All Ages
1F. Stories for Growth: Making Meaning of Emotions – A primary goal of Parents Leading the Way to SEL is to provide support and encourage parents, educators, and families to take active roles in their children’s social and emotional well-being with a focus on emotion regulation skills and emotional empowerment. “Stories for Growth: Making Meaning of Emotions” is a collection of animated videos and community resources. These resources were designed by parents for parents: (biological, adoptive, or foster), grandparents, caregivers, educators, and all others who care for children.
Tony Nelson & Parents from PLWSEL , Parents Leading the Way to SEL, SEL, All Ages
2A. Seven Steps to Guiding Children’s Behavior – Without Losing Your Mind – Children’s behavior can sometimes drive you nuts. “Why do they do that?” This workshop will explore seven different aspects of the reasons behind behavior with suggestions for how you can guide – and cope- with behavior concerns.
Kathy Wilby, SEL, Early ES, Older ES
2B. Building Inclusive Computer Science Programming for Young Learners with AI – The gender gap in tech is widening. In 1995, 37% of computer scientists were women; today, less than 1 in 4. Girls Who Code is working with educators like you to close the gender gap in tech and change the image of what a programmer looks like and does. Join us to learn how to build inclusive programs – equipping students with the confidence and skills they need to make a positive impact on their community and career.
We will feature our Girls Who Code Clubs, where 3rd-5th or 6th-12th graders of all genders learn how to positively impact their community through code and how to be brave and resilient — which has an impact on how they approach challenges and if they stick with coding in the years to come. Together, we’ll explore our program design, participate in hands-on activities that you can walk away with, and brainstorm ways to bring inclusive best practices, tips, & tools to your community – no matter your level of coding experience.
Michaela Burger, Girls Who Code, DEI, STEM, SEL, Take It and Run, Older ES, MS, HS
2C. Building Skills for Resolving Conflicts – Children learn best through play, which provides a laboratory for testing out conflict resolution strategies. In this active session, participants will be introduced to specific strategies that they will be able to teach the children in their programs as well as a framework for resolving larger conflicts. Come prepared to play and walk away with a library of games and activities that help children develop the social and emotional skills that they need to work with others.
Amanda Amtmanis, Active, SEL, All Ages
2D. Fundamentals of OST Leadership – Are you stepping into a leadership role as an Afterschool program supervisor? This workshop is tailored for individuals new to supervisory roles, providing essential skills to set meaningful goals, master time management, and create a vision for your future as a leader. You’ll hear practical advice, discuss the challenges of this work, and leave empowered with resources and an action plan for success.
Nichelle Harris, Ten Speed Consulting, LLC, Supervision/Management, Take It and Run, All Ages
2E. Ensemble Building and Creative Exploration for Educators – This workshop is designed to empower educators of various disciplines, including classroom teachers and visual and performing arts instructors, to cultivate stronger relationships and foster creativity through ensemble techniques. Throughout this workshop, participants will engage in a diverse array of theatre improvisations and exercises, all conducted in a group setting. These activities are not only fun and engaging but also serve as powerful tools for building trust, collaboration, and communication skills among participants.
Whether you have a background in theatre or not, this class is tailored for educators at all experience levels. You will discover how to harness the power of your imagination and integrate basic theatre principles into your teaching practice. The techniques learned here can be applied across different grade levels and educational contexts, enriching your ability to engage students in meaningful ways. By the end of this class, you will feel more confident in using creative improvisation as a teaching strategy, enhancing both your personal teaching style and the learning experience of your students. Join us on this journey of discovery and transformation—it’s never too late to explore the art of ensemble and unleash your creative potential!
Anthony DePoto, innerAct Theatre LLC, Arts, All Ages
2F. Heart-Listening: A Way to Integrate Empathy in After School – This workshop focuses on the “Care” in After School Care. Where do we as educators and students store, process and release the all the emotions accumulated during a school day?We will get to practice a tool that increases empathy and human connection called Heart-Listening with each other. This will give us the practice to speak from the heart, listen deeply and track emotions. We will learn how to hold space like this in our environments to support students and adults alike. It can serve as a tool for emotion regulation, deescalation, and/or trust and community-building. Participants will be invited to join for some movement and breath-work as well to expand our capacity to tune into our emotions.
Armela Toro Waters, Armela LLC, SEL, Take It and Run, All Ages
3A. Engaging STEM Activities – Are you always on the lookout for fun activities that you can take back to your program and run with tomorrow? What if we told you we have a whole week’s worth of activities for you? What if we told you it comes with the supplies you need to do these activities, that it wouldn’t be expensive to replace so you could do them again without a big supply order? What if those activities were also hands-on, minds-on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) focused activities that don’t require a fancy technical STEM background? What if those activities had been tested and tweaked for effectiveness and FUN to work with kids in OST already? What if you could try out these activities, ask questions and feel confident about it today? Did I mention that at the end you’d get the supplies (free) to do this with your program at least once? Join us for an all-new CLASP STEM 2024 presentation led by current participants (your peers) in the Network’s 202$ CLASP STEM cohort!
STEM CLASP, STEM, Take It and Run, Early ES, Older ES, MS
3B. Creating Program Sustainability Through Collaboration: Actors & Factors, The Partnership Building Game –Actors & Factors is unlike any PD you have taken! This interactive, hands-on workshop will offer the unique opportunity to put you – the OST professional- in the shoes of potential community partners and gain new perspectives on collaboration as you complete team challenges. Participants will discuss factors like power and influence, mission alignment and partnership reciprocity while strengthening networking skills. Use the take-home action plan to continue the collaboration discussion with colleagues back at your organization.
Nichelle Harris, Ten Speed Consulting, LLC, Supervision/Management, Take It and Run, All Ages
3C. Maybe I’m Not Okay – Children today are bombarded with social media, societal demands, and far too often, adult responsibilities and burdens at a young age. What may look like a “tantrum” may be dysregulation, an emotional breakdown, or a cry for help. Our children often run to the creative arts as an outlet. This workshop will focus on creating strong communication lines, deepening the understanding the problems that today’s youth face, and options for using the creative arts to assist in emotional regulation.
Jona Shook, MT-BC & Steffani Aisenman, Infinity Music Therapy Services, Arts, Behavior Management, Special Needs/Inclusion, SEL, Site Leader Specific, All Ages
3D. Mizzen Madness: Learn to use the Mizzen App – Are you struggling to find activities that are connected to learning objectives? A new staff member that could use some inspiration? Come learn about the Mizzen app! A free application created specifically for Afterschool professionals to access activities, resources, and afterschool news. You’ll have the opportunity to download the app, sign up, and explore all the features it has to offer in this workshop.
Shawna Viola Washington, CTCNY, Take It and Run, Program Basics, All Ages
3E. Facilitating Meaningful Physical Activity Experiences – Research has identified various aspects of physical activities that make them meaningful for participants – challenge, social interaction, competition, competence and fun, to name a few. In this active session, participants will be invited to reflect on what aspects of movement they find meaningful as well as strategies for helping children identify what aspects of physical activity, they find most meaningful. Come ready to play and leave with strategies for designing engaging physical activity experiences for all of your students.
Amanda Amtmanis, DEI Inclusion, Behavior Management, Active/Nutrition, Take It and Run, Older ES, MS, HS