What Happened to Women in Computer Science?
Some of you are aware that periodically Google will offer little coding projects on their home search page. I like to partake in those,they are actually fun. The program that…
Some of you are aware that periodically Google will offer little coding projects on their home search page. I like to partake in those,they are actually fun. The program that…
This is a wonderful video to watch with your students (has a learning component). The youtube video also has links to other reaction videos.
I'm sure most of you may know the word "crowdfunding". For those of you who don't, Wikipedia defines it as "the practice of funding a project or venture by raising…
Quill’s Coolest Classroom Chair Ever! Giveaway Sponsor: Quill.com Enter by November 20 No. of Winners 4 Selection: 12/1/2014 Prizes Four lucky teachers will each receive one Safco® Runtz™ 4755BL Ball…
The Hartford YMCA on Broad Street had a very exciting science workshop!!! The workshop covered fun science activities for grades Pre-K thru 8th grade. We learned how far a fired…
In order to provide an after school program that is developmentally appropriate, after school program staff need to understand the sequence of development of school age children and adolescents in the four areas or domains of development: Physical, Social, Emotional and Cognitive. Development experts agree that: (more…)
A new one page visual helps to make the case for how high quality afterschool programs accelerate student achievement. Research shows that high quality afterschool programs can lead to increased Attendance, Behavior and improved Coursework. (more…)
Clubs are a programming choice that can contribute a great deal to your after school program. After school clubs create opportunities for personal growth for children. They give children practice in making manageable longer-term commitments and create an opportunity for skill and attention span development. Such groups also provide children with an avenue to self-esteem: a means to excel at something they enjoy.
Afterschool and summer program directors are often in a pinch and settle for the first person that can fit scheduling needs that suddenly appear out of nowhere. But you don’t have to settle, let me say that again, you don’t have to settle. Hiring smart the first time will prevent headaches