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Cloud Learning After School

Is your program prepared to go virtual for the upcoming months? What is your plan for connecting with the children and families you serve? Nearly nine months into a global pandemic, COVID-19 continues to spread across the United States.

As winter nears, schools and out-of-school programs are getting ready to go virtual as we prepare to enter the “toughest wave of this pandemic” as many medical professionals are talking about lately. 

Do you feel you need more  resources for developing programming in the coming months? Are you worried your program staff will struggle creating meaningful virtual learning experiences? What can you do with extra staff while your numbers are low? Build leadership, empower staff, and plan for recovery in 2021. Look no further! The Cloud Learning Afterschool: Building and Supporting Virtual OST Classrooms will be providing resources for virtual programs that are in need of material for the upcoming months. 

The Connecticut After School Network is offering a 3-day Cloud Learning Afterschool: Building and Supporting Virtual OST Classrooms workshop that will help you transition your program to a virtual world. Staff will be empowered to design engaging online learning experiences that help maintain relationships with children and families, while at the same time delivering personalized content that will be a draw. 

Participants will be provided with curriculum resources, ongoing tech support, and access to a peer community of support. Everyone will come away from the training experience with a completed module that they can use in their program immediately. Please note that everyone attending must have an individual, personal Gmail account (sometimes school districts Gmail accounts are blocked) in order to access the class materials. 

Dates and Times for the Cloud Learning Afterschool: Building and Supporting Virtual OST Classrooms are as follows (click on the links to register):

We strongly recommend that the same person attends all three sessions and  is the person who will be using the classroom with students or able to directly train and support that person.

For questions, suggestions, comments, or requests about the Cloud Learning Afterschool: Building and Supporting Virtual OST Classrooms workshops please email Ken Anthony, Ed.D. at
Remember to stay healthy, stay strong and stay safe. We will get through this together!