Our Feel Good Friday blog gives us an inside look and learning more about the Network staff! Here is what is making us feel good lately!
We look forward to sharing our small blurbs and hope you do too. Comment or share what you think…would you like to be included? Send your feel-good moment to Marla at mberrios@ctafterschoolnetwork.org and be featured next week!
Michelle: I’ve only ever seen an oriole once before in my entire life, and I’ve now seen two in different places near home including on the hummingbird feeder on my dining room door, and at least five at Cape Cod on this oriole feeder (who knew they eat grape jelly?) I’m definitely adding one to my Christmas list this year! And yes, those are snowflake cling-ons on my glass door to help keep the birds from braining themselves against the glass.

Monica: Each June, before school ends, I take a day off and go to the beach all by myself. It is the perfect way to start the summer and the perfect way to forget all your troubles, at least for a moment. There is some grumbling from those I leave behind.