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Keeping Current to Get Ahead: Falling into Patterns

As program leaders we have all been there. The rush of registration is over, the program is settling in, things are going smoothly, and you finally have a minute before the next wave of holiday parties and supplies are needed. Take a breath, you made it past Halloween and are on the way to Thanksgiving break. Past the pumpkin patch and onto the leaves and crisp air.

It is easy to fall into patterns when we are overseeing a site or an afterschool program. We go with what the kids want, which is usually outside or gym time. We rely on trusted and true activities to get us through the next five months until we can get outside with a little warmth in the air. Our supply list is the same as last year, and the year before. The kids have always loved this activity…but do they?

When we fall into patterns we fail to listen to the voices of the quietest in the room. When we plan for the winter months, are we thinking about group sizes, making meaningful connections, and supporting each other? Do we know what interests the children, what are they excited to learn more about? Are there opportunities for leadership for them, opportunities to connect with the community or each other in a different way? 

When we fall into patterns, we often miss what is right in front of us. 

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