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Summer for All Comes to Connecticut

Summer is a time for outdoors, water fun, and laughing with friends. However for millions of children across the country, summer is a time of isolation and choices that may have negative consequences for years to come in their lives. While middle and high income peers are provided a multitude of summer activities, low income children often get left behind.

The research shows that children who participate in summer learning programs have positive academic and social outcomes. This includes closing the achievement gap that is often so pervasive in low income communities. Teachers often spend the first month reteaching what was learned at the close of the prior school year. 

In 2021, the American Rescue Plan (ARP) provided Connecticut with an influx of money to help support and expand summer learning programs for children and families. While this afforded the opportunity for children to take part in these programs, opening the door for hundreds across Connecticut for the past few years. Unfortunately, the ARP money is coming to an end. There is little to no hope for continuation funding to support the children and families that were able to take advantage of programming. Families will be either left without programming or if they can attend, not be able to afford the program for very long. What do we do?

Sponsored by Senator Chris Murphy, the Summer for All bill aims to expand summer learning opportunities for children and youth nationwide. Last Friday, Jul 26, 2024 Senator Murphy, Governor Ned Lamont, Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz introduced legislation that will provide summer learning programs for All. While this is just a proposed bill at the current time, it outlines two distinct components to support summer learning in communities. 

These include a summer learning expansion grant and dedicated summer programming for state level grant funding. The expansion grant helps community-based organizations expand the programs they offer in the summer, with a priority for programs that: allows programming and transportation free of charge for participants, expands access to underserved and rural communities, integrates healthy nutrition and partners with schools to identify at-risk students including those who were chronically absent. The Summer Programming State Grants provides grant funding through the State Department of Education to programs to support innovative summer programming opportunities and experiences for children and their families statewide. 

Investing in summer learning is a smart investment to help children stay engaged and take part in hands-on learning opportunities. This takes work and strong partnerships to make an impact in a child’s life. Through funding such as the “Summer for All” bill, partnerships between local schools, municipalities, and community-based organizations can maximize the impact of existing summer programs among all students.

Investing in summer learning is a smart investment to help children stay engaged and take part in hands-on learning opportunities. This takes work and strong partnerships to make an impact in a child’s life. Through funding such as the “Summer for All” bill, partnerships between local schools, municipalities, and community-based organizations can maximize the impact of existing summer programs among all students.

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