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Keeping Current to Get Ahead: The Heart of Afterschool

The term unsung heroes is commonly used when referring to afterschool professionals. A workforce that shows up everyday from 3:00 – 6:00, sometimes later. It is often a job that requires you to think on your feet, come up with a project using only cardboard, some tape, markers, and imagination. We stay in the field because of the passion, we stay in the field for the difference we hope to make. 

Hearing the term, “The Heart of Afterschool”  used to describe afterschool professionals and youth workers.speaks directly to the importance of afterschool programs and the people who work in them. These programs can help children develop socially, emotionally, and academically. Families are able to work, knowing their children are safe and engaging in expanded learning opportunities.  

The strongest afterschool programs provide learning opportunities that aren’t available at school, such as coding or other future-focused classes, a safe space for children to socialize with peers, and promote physical health and wellness. Afterschool helps children build character and confidence and enable them to develop persistence, leading them to succeed in school and life. These are the seeds that we plant in elementary programs, nurture and water at middle school sites, and ignite their interest related to college and career in a high school setting. 

Afterschool professionals rarely get to see the long term results of their efforts, greeting new children and families each year. Like the heart, they keep beating. Improving programming, adapting to the interest of the children and youth they serve, and remaining a relevant hub of the community. 

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