NAA’s Next Generation of Afterschool Leaders

NAA's Next Generation of Afterschool Leaders identifies young leaders and recognizes and cultivates the talent of afterschool champions who have the potential to influence the field of afterschool for years to…

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Open Enrollment is ongoing for CLASP STEM (2022)

We are still looking for applicants if you are interested and did not meet the first application round.  If you are looking for an opportunity to explore and build comfort…

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Wallace Foundation Funding Opportunity

The Wallace Foundation has announced a one-year grant opportunity for groups of organizations that are working together to promote adolescent youth development. Expressions of interest from eligible partnerships are due…

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Well-Being Institute 2022-2023

The Well-Being Institute, formally known as Behavior Management Institute, focuses on providing comprehensive well-being supports to afterschool staff and educators in a cycle beginning in October 2022 and ending in May 2023.


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Addressing Youth Mental Health

Our kids are not ok. We must tap tried-and-true solutions like afterschool.   Experts have declared children’s mental health “a national emergency,” citing lockdowns, school closures, and other unprecedented challenges related…

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New Memo from OEC and SDE Address Support Services in Child Care Programs

On April 11th the Office of Early Childhood and the State Department of Education released a joint memo to address the need to coordinate services for children who attend child…

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Governor Lamont announces $8 Million to continue CT Summer Enrichment 2022

We are pleased to share the launch of the 2022 Summer Enrichment Grant Program. Please see the press release for further details. Note that districts are eligible applicants. Please also…

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The American Institutes for Research Needs Your Help

Calling program leaders and staff! The American Institutes for Research (AIR) is developing a readiness survey and reflection toolkit that will help afterschool, summer, and other out-of-school time (OST) program…

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