Keeping Current to Get Ahead: Creating Connections and Opportunities

By now, mid-October afterschool programs are moving along at a good pace. Children and staff know established routines, relationships have been formed, and we are rapidly moving toward the holiday…

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Keeping Current to Get Ahead: Weaving Expectations into Program Improvement

When we hear the terms “high-quality”, “impactful programming”, “standards of excellence”, “continuous quality improvement” they often sound like a far-off place we would like our programs to get to. An…

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NAA Releases Out-of-School Time (OST) Job Quality Standards

In an effort to elevate the out-of-school time (OST) profession and enhance the well-being of OST professionals nationwide, the National AfterSchool Association (NAA) has proudly unveiled the Out-of-School Time Job…

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The Network is Celebrating 35 Years!

The Network is celebrating 35 years of after school excellence...and more! In 1989, the Network was founded as the Connecticut School Age Child Care Alliance (CSACCA) at the first After…

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