Open Enrollment is ongoing for CLASP STEM (2022)

We are still looking for applicants if you are interested and did not meet the first application round.  If you are looking for an opportunity to explore and build comfort…

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Addressing Youth Mental Health

Our kids are not ok. We must tap tried-and-true solutions like afterschool.   Experts have declared children’s mental health “a national emergency,” citing lockdowns, school closures, and other unprecedented challenges related…

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The American Institutes for Research Needs Your Help

Calling program leaders and staff! The American Institutes for Research (AIR) is developing a readiness survey and reflection toolkit that will help afterschool, summer, and other out-of-school time (OST) program…

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STEM Beyond the School Day Series – Engineering Mindset 7

Engineering Mindset 7 : Children evaluate designs and make improvements By Christine Cunningham As mentioned earlier, reflection and evaluation of ideas is critical to the engineering mindset. Children are rarely…

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