Keeping Current to Get Ahead: Sowing the Seeds of Interest

People talk about spring as a time of renewal, early spring flowers poke sprouts through the thawing ground. Days get a little longer and, after months of playing board games…

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Keeping Current to Get Ahead: Budgeting for What’s Necessary and Fosters Improvement

As the mid-winter approaches, and the February cold starts to set in we are reminded of spreadsheets and budget projections for the coming year. Out-of-school time programs large and small…

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Keeping Current to Get Ahead: The Heart of Afterschool

The term unsung heroes is commonly used when referring to afterschool professionals. A workforce that shows up everyday from 3:00 - 6:00, sometimes later. It is often a job that…

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Keeping Current to Get Ahead: Recognizing the Forest from the Trees

The out-of-school time field (also known as after school, school-age childcare, enrichment, etc.) has a long history, starting in the late 1800’s in response to the Industrial Revolution in order…

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Keeping Current to Get Ahead: Falling into Patterns

As program leaders we have all been there. The rush of registration is over, the program is settling in, things are going smoothly, and you finally have a minute before…

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NAA Releases Out-of-School Time (OST) Job Quality Standards

In an effort to elevate the out-of-school time (OST) profession and enhance the well-being of OST professionals nationwide, the National AfterSchool Association (NAA) has proudly unveiled the Out-of-School Time Job…

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