Governor Lamont announces $8 Million to continue CT Summer Enrichment 2022

We are pleased to share the launch of the 2022 Summer Enrichment Grant Program. Please see the press release for further details. Note that districts are eligible applicants. Please also…

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Are your pool’s lifeguards up to the job?

Do you take your kids to the water in the summer?

Eight ways to know if your lifeguards are up to the job—and are being given the support they need. Here’s the full article from

The two minutes you spend reading this could save a life! (more…)

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Are your pool’s lifeguards up to the job?

Do you take your kids to the water in the summer?

Eight ways to know if your lifeguards are up to the job—and are being given the support they need. Here’s the full article from

The two minutes you spend reading this could save a life! (more…)

Continue ReadingAre your pool’s lifeguards up to the job?