Understanding Child and Adolescent Development

In order to provide an after school program that is developmentally appropriate, after school program staff need to understand the sequence of development of school age children and adolescents in the four areas or domains of development: Physical, Social, Emotional and Cognitive. Development experts agree that: (more…)

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Helping Kids Thrive

In a recent webinar, Helping Kids Thrive is Job # 1, Tim Duffey of Bolster Collaborative Inc. (www.bolstercollaborative.com) explained that thinking about Positive Youth Development centers on building resilience and helping kids thrive. Thriving means building the good things in youth and enhancing the relationships needed for positive development. (more…)

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Why should we be intentional about programming after school?

What defines a high quality program from a mediocre one comes down to intentional program design. However, the perception of the afterschool program being strictly a babysitting service that meets parental child care needs is still the prevalent view amongst those not working in the field. (more…)

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After School Programming: Think Clubs!

Clubs are a programming choice that can contribute a great deal to your after school program. After school clubs create opportunities for personal growth for children. They give children practice in making manageable longer-term commitments and create an opportunity for skill and attention span development. Such groups also provide children with an avenue to self-esteem: a means to excel at something they enjoy.


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Everything After School…

…all in one place!

A great addition to our resource library is Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success Compendium. This groundbreaking series includes reports, commentaries and studies from more than 100 leaders from elected officials, educators, researchers, advocates, and other authors.


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