Motor Skill Development in After School

As you observe children between the ages of 5 and 14, you will see improved coordination in both gross and fine motor development. School age children exhibit gains in four large muscle or gross motor areas: balance, flexibility, agility and force. As fine motor skills develop, you will see improved hand-eye coordination and more control of the muscles of the hands and wrists. What does this mean for an after school program? (more…)

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Funding Diversification is a Must!

This is the third of a biweekly series about “The Business of Before and After School.” Look for other posts on this topic by selecting Business from the category list below right.

Congratulations, you will receive a grant for three years.  This predictable income will allow you to begin your program or to expand into other program areas.  But what will you do when this revenue source dries up and you have staff salaries to pay and program supplies to purchase, let alone the fact that your new program is successful and serving lots of kids and families who are all now relying on you? (more…)

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Celebrating 25 years

Connecticut After School Network began 25 years ago with a small group of school age child care program directors who met regularly to support one another and share ideas. As the only  Network staff member present at the beginning, I remember that the directors knew their staff needed training specifically designed for those working with school age children, but they found very little appropriate training was available. (more…)

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