Breaking New Ground on the Frontier of Innovation: Any Time, Any Place, Any Path, Any Pace Learning

There is a certain allure to being on the edge of something new, something innovative, something exciting. Think for a second about having to have the new iPhone, new Playstation,…

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Why should we be intentional about programming after school?

What defines a high quality program from a mediocre one comes down to intentional program design. However, the perception of the afterschool program being strictly a babysitting service that meets parental child care needs is still the prevalent view amongst those not working in the field. (more…)

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Not just a warm body, or, why hiring quality staff matters

Afterschool and summer program directors are often in a pinch and settle for the first person that can fit scheduling needs that suddenly appear out of nowhere. But you don’t have to settle, let me say that again, you don’t have to settle. Hiring smart the first time will prevent headaches


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