STEM Uncovered: Video Competition

ANNOUNCING: 2015 STEM Video Competition sponsored by the Noyce Foundation with support from the C.S. Mott Foundation

Kids are always told to dream BIG– afterschool programs allow them to do just that. Uncover the work of your program and students, and tell us what really happens in STEM afterschool.



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Origins of Chemotherapy

All of us know someone who has had cancer.  We talk about radiation and chemotherapy but have you ever wondered where and how it all started?

I came across a post through a Facebook page called “Reactions” that intrigued me.  It was called “How Chemistry Changed WWI”.  After reading through it I would have titled it, “How Chemical Warfare Killed and Saved Millions”.  It was a tiny article that talked about how WWI was called the chemists war.

Most people know that mustard gas killed so many soldiers, innocents and living things during WWI but too few also know that mustard gas changed how medicine treated cancer.


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How to Talk So Kids Will Listen…

A National Bestseller, How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk and video series, will give you the know-how you need to be effective with your program students.  This resource is a full of practical and innovative ways  to solve common problems and build foundations for lasting relationships.


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Through My Window Stipends Still Available!

Working with older elementary and middle school students? Stipends still available to implement Through My Window literacy and engineering program! Now is the perfect time to implement Through My Window in your after school program!  Why?  In response to requests from educators everywhere, we’re excited to announce that the full-length young adult STEM mystery novel Talk to Me is now available in paperback on Amazon(more…)

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