Call for Presenters
Some of you know that we are trying to gather data to find out the “state” of summer access in Connecticut, but we are having a hard time getting the info. (more…)
We need your help! The following survey will only take a few seconds...we promise! Our survey consists of only 5 questions and will be used later on during conference. Share…
Victoria Bosman, AmeriCorps VISTA at Dwight Hall at Yale Mark Fopeano, Program Manager at Dwight Hall at Yale Our 8th grade students in the Jones-Zimmermann Academic Mentoring Program (J-Z AMP)…
I love incorporating sensory bins in my program every chance I get. Studies about sensory tables will show that they are not only beneficial to children with special needs but for all children. My students go crazy when we have sensory activity set up for them and I love to see how amazed and engaged they are with the different types of sensory bins. Here are my top 4 sensory activities I often put out for my students.
For any program to run like a well oiled machine organization is a must! When I first started off in my position I was no where near as organized as I am now. Looking back, I do not know how I survived all those years without using my current system.