Taking on Turnover
Every time a caregiver leaves, children experience loss. Turnover rates in after school are rising each year and can only worsen year after year. Break the silence that has surrounded turnover in school age programs. (more…)
Every time a caregiver leaves, children experience loss. Turnover rates in after school are rising each year and can only worsen year after year. Break the silence that has surrounded turnover in school age programs. (more…)
Tinkering and the Intersection of Formal and Informal Learning Webinar Grab a 12" x 12" piece of tinfoil and be ready to explore how tinkering ("making") is fast becoming a…
Save the Date! Educators' Weekend at Mystic Seaport April 18-19 2015 Join Us for our 13th Annual Educators' Weekend at Mystic Seaport on April 18-19, 2015. The weekend features free admission…
A cornerstone of after school programming has always been to support the social and emotional needs of children. After school provides the opportunity for teamwork, collaboration, empathetic expression, and other…
EARLY BIRD PRICING ENDS TOMORROW, FRIDAY, MARCH 6! Directors do you have the hours needed to comply with licensing requirements? You can earn up to 9 hours over the 2 days of the conference. Be a financial…
A great resource for any teenager in your after school program. What Teens Need to Succeed gives them the power to shape their own future and change their lives for the better, by making a difference in the lives of people around them. (more…)
Want to keep your after school cooking program fresh and interesting? We gave you ideas for multicultural recipes, now we are kicking it up a notch. Make food lovers fall for science! (more…)
Fun Literacy Activities for After-school Programs: Books And Beyond is a handbook for staff in after school programs to increase their capabilities in supporting literacy. More than 72 activities for ages 5 – 14! (more…)
What better way top teach kids about the world than through a little comfort food! From Australia to the Americas, and everywhere in between, author Deanna Cook brings more than 75 ethnic dishes.
Supporting LGBTQ Youth in Afterschool Thursday, February 12, 2015 1:00 - 2:00 pm EST Webinar Description: Safer spaces are created when youth feel not only included but encouraged to be their whole…