Kids with Autism – Best Practices for Inclusion Webinar

Kids with Autism - Best Practices for Inclusion Thursday, January 8, 2015 1:00-2:00pm EST Webinar Description: NJSACC continues it's efforts for inclusion of children with disabilities in New Jersey's out-of-school…

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Adventures in Peacemaking

Another great resource for those after school teachers looking for ways to resolve conflict in their after school program.  Is peacekeeping becoming the focus of your program instead of your day to day planned activities?  Are children working together and you would like to continue the trend?


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Challenging Behavior in Young Children

Challenging Behavior in Young Children, Understanding, Preventing, and Responding Effectively provides in-depth background information and strategies to help pre-service and practicing teachers understand, prevent, and address the behavior problems found often in after school programs.


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