Sign up for our Quarterly STEM Newsletter here.

See what our past participants have to say about their CLASP experience.


The expectation is that you will be live at all sessions and an active member of the coaching cohort.

CLASP STEM Core 2025

We are pleased to offer a fourth year of CLASP STEM Core, the original format. We are recruiting for new members and plan to have a number of second, third and fourth year participants adding further depth and insight to the experience of this year’s cohort.

If you are interested in applying to join us in our 2025 year-long STEM learning community aimed at building your confidence and effectiveness in sharing STEM learning opportunities with the young people in your out-of-school time program while expanding your professional network, then this may be the opportunity for you!

First meeting: February 7th

Register Here

One Friday a Month, JAN – MAY 

Like a challenge and want some support to bring a new opportunity to your program? Would you like to give someone who wants a chance to participate in events like the Technovation Challenge or the CT Lt. Governor’s Computing Challenge, then please come learn about this opportunity! 

We are building a professional learning community for those who are brave enough to tackle bringing a coding program to their OST.   Our goal is to connect you with resources around the state and beyond that can support you and your youth in making coding meaningful and accessible. 

Register Here

Tailored Professional Development

Tailored professional development to meet your specific goals. One-time trainings or a customizable series. 

  • Understand and Meet the Developmental Needs of Students 
  • Improve Systems and Structures to Support Student Mental Health and Wellbeing • Build Belonging 
  • Increase Youth Voice and Decision-Making 
  • Help Youth Develop Resilience 
  • Support Educator Wellbeing 

Contact PEAR for groups over 50 and whole school/program pricing.

FEB 6th
Full Day

During this workshop, participants will engage with the professional learning team in a hands-on workshop focused on Youth Engineering Solutions (YES) elementary school curriculum. This full-day, learner-driven workshop introduces participants to the concepts of engineering and prepares them to facilitate high-quality engineering with students.

Register Here

FEB 12th
Full Day

During this workshop, participants will engage with the professional learning team in a hands-on workshop focused on Youth Engineering Solutions (YES) middle school curriculum. This full-day, learner-driven workshop introduces participants to the concepts of engineering and computer science and prepares them to facilitate high-quality STEM with students.

Register Here

JAN 3, FEB 6, & MAR 6
1:00- 2:00 PM

Do not miss on Parts 2 & 3. 

Come engage in fluency math games and activities that support youth in learning math facts and becoming fluent in computation while having fun in the process! Note: These are free, live sessions. Please register for each session you are interested in attending. FMI email 

Register Here

Featured Opportunities

Ongoing and time-sensitive opportunities this quarter to engage in STEM learning, media campaigns and professional development opportunities.

The 2025 Flight Crew Application is Open

The Flight Crew is a highly visible youth ambassador program led by STEM Next Opportunity Fund, elevating youth from every state who can speak about the power of STEM learning outside of school.  ALL youth ages 13-18 are encouraged to apply! 

The Flight Crew elevates young voices in STEM from across the country to inspire their peers and demonstrate that STEM is for everyone and happens everywhere.

Applications due by March 12, 2025!  Download flyer here.

STEM Learning Journeys powered by Verizon and STEM Next

Bring hands-on, interactive STEM learning to life.  These themed bundles of lessons and activities, available through Verizon’s Learning HQ platform, are designed to help OST programs engage students in critical STEM topics.  Each journey is packed with ready-to-use resources, including facilitation guides, making it easy to incorporate into afterschool programs. Here are just a few of the exciting themes you can explore.

📣💥Start your STEM Learning Journey Here 💥📣

Start a Teen Science Cafe in Your Community 

Cafés are easy to start, and no prior experience with STEM is needed. If you are interested in learning about cafés or pondering creating one of your own, check out the following, and, or reach out to Katey Ahmann, Director of TSCN for more. 

  • Attend one of the free seasonal 30-minute online information sessions on cafés basics. Session dates are listed on the Events page
  • Are you so ready that you don’t need an info session? Email Katey Ahmann, Director of TSCN, to sign up for a seasonal Onboarding Cohort for new adult leaders. 
  • Check out some of the research behind the teen science café model and the corresponding impacts on teens. 
  • Look over the Values which define teen science cafés. 

Ask yourself, is there someone who can commit to working with TSC staff Guides in a series of free one-on-one and group sessions with other potential adult leaders, webinars, and asynchronous learning modules?

other resources

February is…

National Engineers Week – National Engineers Week is celebrated from February 16 to 22 in the United States. It is a time to celebrate the accomplishments of engineers, technicians, and technologists, and to introduce K-12 students to engineering and technology.

Monthly Padlets

Our Padlets include all the monthly resources in one accessible link.

2024 – JUN, MAY, APR, MAR, FEB, JAN  

2023 – DECNOV


  • The Museum of Science, Boston’s Youth Engineering Solutions (YES) offers a collection of PK-8 engineering and STEM curricula designed to engage students in authentic, hands-on challenges connected to their lives and communities. The materials apply a model for equity-oriented and socially engaged engineering learning that encourages all to see themselves as engineers and passionate problem solvers poised to make a difference in the world. The curricula include 12 engaging, standards-aligned units for elementary and middle school grades and out-of-school settings. All curriculum guides can be downloaded for free at: Pre-made materials kits for classrooms and enrichment settings can also be purchased at that link.

  • EiE Families, from the Museum of Science, Boston, has released several new activities and interactive introductions to at-home engineering and computer science activities. These brief online experiences introduce families to the engineering design process and important ideas in computer science, so they are ready to try out hands-on activities with confidence. All EiE Families resources—including the new online introductions, the hands-on activities, and the website itself—are available for free in both English and Spanish at:

  • Past Monthly Activities

The CT After School Network is proud to be a part of the Million Girls Moonshot initiative, working to inspire and prepare the next generation of innovators by engaging one million more girls in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs.

​The Million Girls Moonshot will not only allow girls to envision themselves as future innovators, but it will increase the quality of out-of-school STEM learning opportunities for all young people, particularly underserved and underrepresented youth.

About the Million Girls Moonshot

The Moonshot is designed to spur girls’ interest, understanding, and confidence in STEM and equip them to become problem solvers with an engineering mindset. Led nationally by the STEM Next Opportunity Fund and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation in partnership with the Intel Foundation and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Million Girls Moonshot:

  • Leverages afterschool networks in all 50 states to help school-age girls access high-quality STEM education, support, and mentors.
  • Uses an equity and inclusion framework that is youth-centric and culturally responsive to increase gender, and racial and socio-economic diversity in STEM.
  • Provides resources, support, mentorship, and expert guidance to help educators deliver hands-on STEM experiences in afterschool, out-of-school time, and summer learning programs.