Introducing First Fridays and Deep Dive Sessions Training Workshops

Connecticut After School Network is switching it up! Now offering... First Fridays On the first Friday of each month, after school educators come together with content experts in a friendly…

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Inspiring Greatness: New Resource Library Book

Inspiring Greatness in Education

Inspiring Greatness in Education describes the 21st Century Schools program (21C), a whole-school reform model developed by Edward Zigler over 20 years ago and since then has been in a constant state of testing, implementation, and scaling up. (more…)

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If you’re ever going to be near water this summer, please read this

Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning

In many child drownings, adults are nearby but have no idea the victim is dying. Here’s what to look for from

The two minutes you spend reading this could save a life! (more…)

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Help Teachers Handle Student Discipline Problems

We all have student discipline programs and we all have great staff working for our programs…but do they know how to handle discipline issues?  This resource is proven to help teachers bring out the nest in students of all ages. (more…)

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Issues in Children’s and Families’ Lives

School activities alone are not always sufficient to ensure children’s academic progress or socio-emotional development and well-being.

We offer after school programs because we know the time right after school is also the time that they are at high risk to act as perpetrators or be the victims of antisocial behavior. (more…)

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